
Showing posts from December, 2009


The reason is AION dont give me enough ways to level up my char. There are 3 ways to level up your char, 1st doing quest which i have done all, 2nd grinding which i find it is too boring and the last way is crafting which you got point XP point each time you done crafting something. Crafting takes alot of money to level up. So i stuck at level 21, if they reduce Abyss level requirement, maybe i back playing this game. Now i want to try playing Warhammer Online which is endless days trial.

I lose 400M

After leaving Genco (for personal reason) and joining Dewa Brotherhood (A Malaysian corp), i decided to move all my stuff from Providence region to the new home. On the way, someone from Son of Tangra manages to intercept my hauler and blow up the ship in the high security system. It costs me 400M isk loss. Do i angry? yes. Do i regret? No. It is because i know the risk and i take it. I just not have luck on my side today. On the bright side i learn something useful, something that remind me it is just a game and always careful with your stuff. Anyway, i made some calculation and found out that it takes 2 weeks to cover back my loss by ratting in my new home, Stain region. Opsss.... did i say it a loud...  :D Edited: My CEO kindly reimburse some of my loss, it is hard for me to accept it because it is my mistake. Oh well, who does not want free money. :P My lesson: -Never assuming no one will gank me on week day or not in oceanic timezone. -Use the best transport in that time to transp

Aion Status

i have level 18 Cleric , level 20 Templar , level 10 Spirit Master, Level 3 Scout (Soon be Ranger) . I am leveling so slow because i want to play all kind of classes. Each class has their own gameplay which i really enjoy it. I created 4 more level 10 characters for mule job. The warehouse to store your items is so small and very expensive to upgrade it. So i create some mule character to store my extra items. My current legion is SupperClub, a mostly Malaysian players in it. Every legion/guild has their own drama, my legion's current hottest drama is many high level characters in my legion have been banned. The reason is unknown. Some say because of botting. LOL. The game is fun and really awarded to those people who are patient enough to play this game. It is AAA game, maybe not the best MMO, but you really proud to play Aion because not everyone can play this hard MMO. :D

Satu Malaysia is Fail

I dont have time to manage this new guild, so it is fail. I more prefer to do experiment more in Aion.