
Showing posts from March, 2009

Metal VS Dugem

Very funny and creative music video. Ayuh semua geleng2.

Day of Darkness 2

Another  fan made video of EVE Online, it is so awesome that i put it into my blog even i dont play EVE Online anymore. XD

Update Kecik

Berhenti main EVE Online sebab nak main benda lain (sebenarnya takde duit nak bayar fee- RM52 sebulan) Rumah blackout sebab safety fius rosak sebab aliran tak stabil. Kos baiki RM80. Install balik Lineage 2. Main 2 hari sebab semua pemegang akaun Lineage 2 yang lama atau baru dapat play time percuma 2 hari. Best pulak main balik, tapi tak sambung sebab kena bayar kalau nak main - Rm28 sebulan. Sekarang main Company of Heroes: Oppossing Force. Fuh, memang best! They put fun back in RTS. Kalah Red Alert 3. Betul, tak tipu. Aku try masak sup cendawan yang dijual dalam tin, sedap tapi ia sekadar sup. Tak kenyang. Minggu depan aku nak gi zoo. Nak duduk dalam zoo. Eh silap, nak tengok binatang. Dah lama tak gi zoo tengok binatang. Dalam kepala, nak start belajar java. Tapi bila tengok silibus .NET aku, banyak lagi yang kena belajar dalam .NET macam reflektor, dll, dan Source Control. Sorang lagi member aku dah kahwin, aku? nak beli kereta dulu baru kahwin.LOL. Aku minat nak belajar Aikido, t

ASP.NET MVC 1.0 has been released!

ASP.NET MVC 1.0 has been released! I do not know what is ASP.NET MVC. but it sounds important to me as a .NET developer. I hope this can help me for my upcoming ASP.NET web application. Erm they still use .NET behind ASP? oh well, excuse me , i have some wall of text to read.

Random Quote

Rules is simple: (1) Think a word. (2) Google an image of it. (3) Put some funny quote for that image Man, i juz brok ur highskor .

Random Quote

Rules is simple: (1) Think a word. (2) Google an image of it. (3) Put some funny quote for that image It is not a cup of coffee, but you need a lot of coffee when you coding in Java.

The Crave by J.R.Morton

First time i hear this song is from a movie call "The Legend of 1900". I love the melody and make me start to listen to jazz music. Enjoy it.

Ready to tackle and die

For a while, i stay as far away from using Crow ship because this ship is so fragile and each time i die i lose 20M isk include the ship fitting. It breaks my wallet each time i lose the ship. Then, i try raptor to replace my crow. It is more cheaper, and has very long scram range. Good for tackler. But for combat, the raptor is so rubbish. Then, i get a low price for a crow from my ship supplier. The price is unbelievable cheap. Now i back in crow and ready to tackle the hostile ship. Now that is fun!